Thursday, December 18, 2008

Unconsciously Mindful.

I keep dreaming about this one person. For the past week, I've dreamt about him, yet during the day, I don't really think about him at all. And my dreams mix together with other dreams that don't relate to each other at all. But they are a continuing thing and I'm starting to wonder what is triggering all of this.

I can't really remember the dreams from more than a few days ago, but I remember that they included him. Two nights ago, I dreamt that I saw him working and when we made eye contact, he was like, "hey! how are you?!" and my immediate reaction was what any normal person would say back. His voice was different though, and it was so distinct in my dream. It's weird, but I love his voice, probably because it's not the voice I'd expect him to have. In the dream, though, it was so incredibly different and my mind focused on that for at least five minutes. Then the dream switched over to me and him in this large room, the only two people in the room, by the way. We were talking, laughing, and just catching up. Then, we decided to dance. It was fun and we continued to laugh and then a part of me realized how much of an asshole he had been to me, and I was about to confront him about that in my dream, but then I must have woken up or started dreaming about something else, because that's all I remember.

Last night, I dreamt that I saw him walking through some woods type place, it was him, but it also looked like someone else too. He had a kid, I remember, a little boy who looked to be about 2 years old. Someone asked him where his kids' mom was and he said Maryland in a happy sort of tone. They continued to walk and I remember him saying that he felt like he was at home. He looked so completely content and happy with his life, it was too real. Then, the dream switched over to me and his kid, and him camping together. He put his kid down to bed, and he and I sat right outside of the tent. I remember feeling sort of awkward in the dream, because we weren't talking. From far away, I could see a beautiful sunset and people playing by the fire and I contemplated getting my camera out of the tent to take some pictures, but didn't because I was afraid he'd go somewhere if I did. We continued to stay there without talking and then he went into the woods for a minute and I decided to go too, but in a completely opposite direction. When I came back, he was standing, looking towards the water, eating cereal. I decided to go over by the tent, and I don't know if we started talking or not, but we both laid down under the stars, outside of the tent. We looked over at each other and smiled a really genuine smile and I felt like things were good again. I then sort of remember him giving me a friendly kiss on the cheek and then closing my eyes for a moment. After that, my dream quickly shifted over to something completely different....I was in a car or something moving at a quick pace, I saw a friend from high school who also happened to be my friend's ex. I tried to talk to him for a minute and grab his hand, we told each other that we hadn't seen each other in forever and then I gave him a kiss on the cheek. My friend (his ex) drove by in a small, old, orange car, with a confused look on her face. She turned into another friend of mine quickly after that, then I remember walking over to both of them, and having brunch with all the girls from my high school graduating class. I started talking about how I was a Vegetarian and I couldn't eat anything they were serving for lunch, we all laughed, then I think I woke up.

Weird dream, I know. Even weirder that I can explain it in so much detail. I've been told a lot of things about dreams, how sometimes things you see or do during the day will appear in your dream, or you'll dream about something you've been wanting. Sometimes, certain things in your dreams act as symbols to something else. I don't really know what to think of these dreams, though, because they are so strange to me. I'd like to think that they're a foreshadowing to something good that will happen in the future, but I also feel like they're just dreams, that they don't mean much at all. Maybe I'll have another dream similar to this tonight, maybe they'll all link together and I'll have some clarity, or maybe they won't. Guess I'll find out soon enough.

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