Thursday, January 8, 2009


I forgot how much I actually enjoy learning. Haha, that sounds sort of stupid, but it's true. For the past month, I've put off reading this book for my FI class. I guess because it's hard for me to start books, especially on Winter break. Anyways, I started the book and have been reading all day, not typically something I'd want to spend my whole day on, but I realized that I don't quite mind it at all. 

Ever since grade school, my two favorite subjects have been English and History. I've always been interested in learning about literature and things of the past. And just recently, I've noticed that I've started to forget some of the stuff I learned in high school, and although that's completely natural, it sort of bothers me. I don't like for people to be talking about something and not know what the hell they're talking about. 

So, I've decided that I'm going to keep up with history and literature in the sense that I'm going to try to always be reading something. I started reading Love In the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez this past summer. I really enjoyed it, but for some reason, I never finished it. I think I'm going to do that, and then I'll need another book to read. I'm open to any suggestions, if you know of something I'd might enjoy. 

The other night, I went to the movies with my friend and paid $7.50 to see Yes Man. (Not a bad movie, but not worth that much). Anyways, In the movie, Jim Carry plays a guy named Carl and there's a scene where he's involved with the police. He's sitting there and the police ask him his name, and he replies. Their reply is something along these lines:

POPO 1: "Carl, huh?"
POPO 2: "Yeah, we once knew another Carl." 
POPO 1: (Looks to other cop) "Yeah, didn't like him very much though, did we?"
POPO 2: "Nope, didn't like him much at all. His name was Marx."

I, of course, burst into laughter, because I find pretty much everything funny anyways. But I was the only one in the theater laughing. I really hope that it was just because people didn't find it funny and not that they didn't get the Karl Marx reference. 


Imparare la vostra storia e vi sara sempre saggio. 
Learn your history and you'll be forever wise. 

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