Tuesday, December 8, 2009

I don't ever update this blog now that I have a tumblr. But I need to get this out because I can't talk to any of my friends about this and tumblr is just far too public, so here I am. This post is for myself and I don't expect nor do I really want people to read this.

I sit here tonight, alone. Thinking about my life, I know that I have a wonderful family and great friends and I'm getting a good education, and so on and so forth. But I am not happy. I'm always worrying about something whether it be my health, how long I'm going to live for, school, my friends and whether or not I've missed out on something, or one of my biggest fears, whether or not I'm going to ever fall in love.

It's so hard sometimes being friends with my friends. It stresses me out, and I hate it because I do love them and they are great friends. But it takes effort. I feel like I can't ever just go somewhere without one of them without questioning wether or not I'm going to come back and they'll have created this new sort of bond. If I never had to worry about missing out on shit or one friend liking another more than me, then I think part of my life would be easier. But, I don't know if that will ever happen.

I feel like there is this barrier that I have between my friends and myself. Often, I feel like they don't come to me to talk to or to vent or whatever because I don't do certain things or they have done things that I can't relate to or maybe, that I'm just not as fun. And it kills me, because there's nothing more that I'd want than to have a care-free life. To have that pleasure of not worrying would be the greatest thing in the world.

What's worse is that I won't ever be that way. I am a people-pleaser. Making people happy usually makes me happy, and it has become this sort of thing where I don't even consider my happiness unless I have made sure that my friends are satisfied. I give-in all of the time. And right now I think all of this anger and repressed emotion is just slowly rising to the surface. But what can I do about it? Nothing. Because if I showed how angry I was to people, if I got in fights with my friends as much as I could, then I would not be happy. Fighting is one of my least-favorite "activities" ever because it means that someone will probably end up being unhappy with me and I don't want that. I don't mind fighting with people who I care little about or people who I know will love me unconditionally. But when it comes to my friends, I just can't bare it.

I was born a worrier and while people make fun of me for it, for worrying too much or being too much of a "mom," I can't help it. They get annoyed by it, I can tell. When I say something that they don't want to hear or when I ask too many questions about something because I'm unsure about it or concerned...What they don't know is that being this way is a curse. It's one of the worst attributes of my personality. And it sucks because it's like a disease, you can't get rid of it as much as you would love to. I am this open-minded, passionate being stuck in the body of an introverted worry-wart. I don't know how to deal with it anymore. As time goes by, I progressively worry more and more. And it gets harder to handle being around people who seem so happy, people who have someone to love and that have someone loving them back.

I'm scared. I see all of these different types of people and I wonder what it is about me that makes me un-lovable or even un-likable. It's funny, I've spent my whole life making sure other people are happy and just as I start to realize that it's making my life harder, it's already at that point where I can't just fix things. If I die young and alone or old and alone, it will just be so ironic. Being alone, it's the first thing I worry about, preventing it consumes my life, and how terrible would it be if that were my downfall?

Saturday, November 21, 2009

enicoleh.tumblr.com - personal blog

whatmakesmefeel.tumblr.com - music blog

follow it or don't, it's all good.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Im a Hypochondriac.

I think that's been said at least a few times on here before.

The thing is, I've had a sort of revelation in a sense. Maybe the deal with me is that I'll spend my whole life thinking I'm sick and I have all these diseases, and as a result, I will not have lived fully because I will have spent most of my time worrying about being sick. And I'll die unsatisfied with my life, in perfect health.

Or maybe irony will strike and I'll die of a disease or cancer or something that could have been prevented but wasn't, just because I was trying to hide my Hypochondria.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

I was reading some random blog post about a guy explaining his vasectomy and reasons for doing so, which was mostly to save our earth, and a thought crossed my mind.

What if our job, or test really, on earth is to see whether or not we can preserve this earth. If earth is viewed as something precious that God created, maybe our biggest test here is to do as much as we can to not fuck it up while we are living. Crazy thought, maybe. But it's still a thought.

Monday, May 11, 2009


I watched the season finale of House with my parents tonight. At the very end of the show, an old man who supposedly just had acid reflux turned out to have pancreatic cancer. Of course, the first thing to go through my mind is what? Oh, shit...I have acid reflux.

I'm a Hypochondriac. I know this, I've known this for awhile, yet it doesn't make any difference to me. I still worry knowing in the back of my mind that it's probably just me thinking too much.

I had to pick up my sister from a friends tonight. The whole way there, I thought about the simplest yet most complicated question out there - what is life about, exactly?

I did not come to any sort of conclusion; however, I do wish that the cast of House were actually real doctors. Maybe I could worry less then.

Sunday, May 10, 2009


I hate you for being like this. You act like I'm the one making everything weird, that I have made this situation awkward, but really it's all you. You obviously still have a problem with it all for what reason, I cannot imagine, considering you started this. You didn't have to do anything, but you did.

I wish this never happened. I wish things were back to normal, and most of all, I wish I could fucking understand you. If I could understand even one small reasoning behind all the fucking shit you do, then maybe I'd understand why you're being such a dick. You have no reason to be so cold around me, I didn't do shit to you.

Just fucking quit this. I liked you so much better before when we were friends, and honestly, I'm tired of it all. It's getting so damn old.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


I found this under a tab on Erin's computer. It's a nice thing to think about, on both sides. Or at least, I think so.

You may not be her first, her last, or her only. She loved before she may love again. But if she loves you now, what else matters? She’s not perfect - you aren’t either, and the two of you may never be perfect together but if she can make you laugh, cause you to think twice, and admit to being human and making mistakes, hold onto her and give her the most you can. She may not be thinking about you every second of the day, but she will give you a part of her that she knows you can break - her heart. So don’t hurt her, don’t change her, don’t analyze and don’t expect more than she can give. Smile when she makes you happy, let her know when she makes you mad, and miss her when she’s not there."
— Bob Marley (via megamazing) (via crazybeautiful) (via bon-bon)

Gotta love Bob.

Sunday, May 3, 2009


life is not what you think it is
life is something more

you wake up to the same routines
this life is such a bore

eat your breakfast
to get your protein

all this just to survive

you just want some candy
but mommy says no
eat your vegetables, honey
you must grow

go to school
to get your education
learn your abc’s and your 123’s
you’ll need this in the real world, your teacher says 

life is tough
with lots of obstacles 
but you just want to dodge them
play on the swing sets instead 
high, high, higher you go

life is not what you think it is 
life is something more 

you say yes because you can’t say no
you eat your veggies cause you’re afraid you won’t grow

don’t wanna seem stupid, so you learn what you’re taught 
dad says you won’t be successful if you don’t buy it before it’s bought

you’re taught to do what you’re told 
life’s only good if you’re gold

but life is not what you think it is
life is something more 

if you live like you’re told
it will always be a bore

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Ay Wazzup?

I got into my major! You have no idea how relieved I am. Except, my cousin, who is about 50 years old, was telling me about the ID program and how intense and demanding it is, and how I will be working constantly and all of this other stuff. So, now I'm a little nervous, but at least I'm in, right? 

Bad thing about now being in my major is, I now have very little motivation to keep up with school in terms of non-art-related classes such as, FI. I have a paper due soon and although I like the topic, I can't bring myself to actually try and get this done and done well. 

2nd draft is due tomorrow. It is now 11pm and I haven't started....fuck.

Summer's almost here. I still don't have a job in line, and I really need to find one. ASAP. 

Other than that, I really have nothing else I feel like saying. I hate blog posts with no real direction. I much prefer to have one that is only about one specific thing and not just random updates of my life. Oh well, maybe next time.

Happy Easter, by the way. I haven't gone to church since Christmas, and I feel like shit. Maybe I should go to confession? 

Yeah, I think so. 

Thursday, April 9, 2009

I have always known this, but for awhile I guess I forgot.

I'm an impatient person when it comes to certain things. And on many occasions, I can be quite stubborn. I get this from my dad. My mom says that in that way, we're just too much alike. Whenever we get in an argument, it lasts forever because both of us need to have the last word. And it ends up being that neither of us want to apologize because we never want to admit we're wrong, so neither of us do. We just wait it out until everything is okay again. 

Recently, I feel like at some points my stubbornness and need for things to be "my way" have annoyed some people, specifically some of my friends. And for that, I want to apologize. I'm not really sure if you read this, but regardless, I wanted to put it out there. I truly don't ever mean to cause any conflict or to be a hard ass about things, but it's just in my nature. 

Today is the anniversary for Brooks Berry's death. He and I were in a class together, but I didn't know him really well at all. He passed away three years ago, and to this day, I can remember the assembly we had in the old gym, where Mrs. Walker announced that Brooks had been taken off of life support. A huge gasp full of pain filled the space that day. The girls who were closest to him were hysterical. The once large assembly room seemed so small now, and it was as if the walls were closing in. As we sang sad church songs, my eyes filled with tears. A junior in high school, gone. 

I hadn't even planned on writing about Brooks today, for in all honesty, I forgot what today was. But I find it a little ironic. 

Not to be cliche or anything, but you really don't know when your last day is on this earth.  I'm not going to say that you should live each day as if it were your last. It would be great if you did, but that's just not very realistic. But I do think that it's important to try and move past the little things that are annoying to you. Yes, they make you want to scream sometimes or just walk away from everything, but at least you're alive. 

Lastly, to all of my friends, I want you to know, I'm sorry for some of the things I do or say or don't do or say. I'm sure I can piss you off sometimes. But I want you to all remember that, I'll always be by your side, even when you're down and out, and I for real mean that from the bottom of my heart. 

Monday, March 30, 2009


You know how sometimes you see something and you get this instant bad feeling, as if you just got punched in the stomach or as if your heart is literally just breaking in half, and afterwards, you're just in this daze where you just can't listen to anyone and don't want to talk....well, I felt that earlier today. And no, it was not because of portfolios, though I wish it had been. 

I can't even word this well. But I feel like, in my life, I have gotten this feeling a lot. I was hoping that maybe it would just not happen anymore. I guess that's not the case, though. Maybe if it happens enough, I'll just become numb to it all and eventually, the feeling will just pass and it won't phase me as much. 

For today, though, it's sticking with me. I have a really hard art history test tomorrow and I know nothing. I can't concentrate. This is the first time this semester that I'm going to study on my own, and it sucks for more than one reason. 

I need to study with someone. I need to get an A. I need to get my life together. And I really just need to somehow, not feel this way. Or maybe it'd be better if I could just not feel at all.

Love is not for me, I promise. 

I really do think sad songs were made for me. 

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Earth vs. Global Warming


Go to that website, watch the video, and simply, vote for Earth. 

On March 28th, all you have to do, is turn off your light switch for one hour from 8:30-9:30 pm!

Thursday, March 12, 2009


you kind of make me want to
shut your mouth just to keep out
all of those unfriendly feelings 
just because you've got 
a lot of wax 
and all those first editions 
i want you to know
sticks and stones may
break my bones
but words will never hurt me
all i need to know
i knew so early

it's so lame that
you could take my feelings
and make yourself feel 
like you're better than 
anyone else who hasn't heard

listen in between your notes
there's something been going on
while you were busy taking notes
and look in between your moments
there's something good happening
it's good to sometimes
slow it down 

Panda Bear knows what's up. 

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Marc Jacobs.

Marc Jacobs launched these tees last year for cancer awareness month. They're now selling for $35. I want one. 

Friday, March 6, 2009


I really hate it when people say that they don't regret anything or that they just "live life with no regrets." 

I don't understand how that is possible. Thinking back at some things that have occurred in my life, some of the choices I've made, there are very few times where I would do the same thing again if I got the chance. 

I always think that if only I could go back and do this instead, things would be different or better. 

I always tell myself that I'll start being like those people who do live without regrets. But in all honesty, I am never going to be able to do that. I couldn't even pretend. 
I realize that people come and go out of your life for a reason. I get that people leave your life, move on, and don't come back. I understand all of that.

But I still don't like it.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


So Spring Break is in a few days. Really excited to just not have class and projects to worry about. Though, I will need to do some serious work in terms of art and shit for my portfolio. 

That's really the only thing I'm concerned about right now. Applying to my major. Hopefully things will all go well. 

I'm not really a "spur-of-the-moment" type of person. I like my order for the most part, with some few exceptions. Last week, though I decided to screw school and go on a road trip for a few days with some friends. So glad I did, despite the fact that JMU does not have good parties. Sorry Cullen. 

Anyways. I'm going to NYC sometime over Spring Break. Stoked for that. It's been almost a year since I was last there and it's about time that I go back. Really cool city. 

Not long after break, I'll be out of school, and back at home for three months. Bummer. Hopefully, I'll get a job in the fan and will be taking some classes at VCU so I don't have to deal with that shit later. 

Things I need:

Mac Charger
New phone  (Which I don't want because my current one is fucking awesome) 
Road bike
Clothes (I have none anymore...buy me some) 

Mully told me about a sweet site to download music off of:


Do it. It's pretty legit. 

P.S. Lyrics as a Facebook status don't necessarily mean what it may seem to suggest. Could be that I just like the song. I mean, just saying. 

Until next time. xxxo.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Mark Twain...

was a sick ass dude. 

We would be infinitely happier if we could only be born at the age of eighty and gradually approach eighteen.

So true, Mr. Twain, so true. 

Thursday, February 12, 2009


My life has been consumed by all of my art classes. Lately, it's just project after project and I've barely had any time to enjoy this lovely weather we're having here in RVA. 

Speaking of Richmond, I usually don't really like Spring, but maybe that was just because I have always been stuck in the West End. I feel like from now on, Spring and I are going to be very close with each other. 

I really can't wait until I get a bike. I'm working on convincing my dad right now to buy one for me. We'll see how that goes. I can't decide on what to get, though. I know I want a single speed road bike with a men's frame, but I don't know what type of handle bars or what colors I want. I love too many, and as I've mentioned before, I suck at making decisions. 

Also, really wanting to go shopping soon. I have a little bit of money, but not much. So instead of hitting up Need or Urban like I normally would, I'll probably hit up the consignment part of Rumors. After all, I did find a Vera Wang Spring Jacket thing for $16 last time I went. Maybe I'll have good luck again next time. 

I skipped Art History this morning. Well, really, I just slept through my alarm. Had a long chat with a friend last night and ended up staying up til 3 a.m. So, I guess I was just tired. This is a one time thing, though. Even though we've only been in school for a month now, I already get the feeling that I'm going to get better grades this semester. 

One worry in my mind, though ---- portfolios! 

So stressful and I really don't have enough work to put in it, or really, just not enough perspective drawings.

I've decided to apply to three majors: Interior Design, Sculpture and Extended Media, and Craft and Material Studies. If I get into Interior Design, I'm going to pick that. I've always had an interest in it and it's an almost guaranteed job. That's a win win if you ask me. 

Things I need to do:
1. Start going to the gym.
2. Stop procrastinating.
3. Find a place to live next year.
4. Find new music to listen to!!
5. Convince someone to buy me a ticket to see Morrissey in March.
6. Convince myself to go see Girl Talk at Tech instead of attending class. 

Monday, February 2, 2009


I promised myself that I wouldn't think about 2012 and the end of the world.

BUT, it's sort of hard not to when there are fucking ads all over Myspace about preparing for the end of the world. WTF. 

It reads:

"How would the governments of our planet prepare six billion people for the end of the world? They wouldn't. Survive 2012. Enter the lottery at TheIHC.com"

IHC = Institute for Human Continuity 

I think I'm about to have a panic attack. Not joking.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

It's just the Virgo inside me...

A recap of my Friday night in short:

Everyone's at Doug's and we're all chilling, having a good time. All of a sudden, I go into emotional mode and start crying. Don't ask when, because I can't remember. But basically, the rest of the night (aside from walking way too far down Main to find a party that we didn't end up going to) was spent on the floor/couch of Doug's place. I was a wreck for whatever reason and I'm sure I was being over-emotional. But despite that, all of my friends came to my side to comfort me, even people who I had just met and/or had never talked to before. 

And so what I have come to realize, though I may not always stick to it on certain occasions, is that right now in my life, I have a ton of really awesome friends who will constantly be there for me, and for that, I am so grateful. So, taking that into consideration, I have started to try and believe more what my dad said once. 

Every person you encounter and interact with in your life, you do so for a reason. Either it helps them or it helps you. Not everyone you meet, however, stays in your life for long. Friendships and relationships end, but they do so for a reason. When someone you have a relationship with stops being friends with you, leaves you, or just slowly grows apart from you, it's because the job is done. You no longer need them in you're life. The effect they were supposed to have on you has been made, and therefore, you can move on. But there shouldn't be any permanent anger or sadness with that. Because if they come back into your life, which often, that may happen, that means that there is another way that person is supposed to affect you. It's like with dying. When someone is taken from you, it was because their job on Earth has been fulfilled, they have done what they were supposed to do, and so they no longer need to be here. Whether or not you are ready, unfortunately, does not matter. 

I know this all sounds better in my head and it's hard to write it down so that other people can make sense of it, but I feel that I need to try and do so. So many relationships with people in my life have fallen apart (in a sense) that I just need some sort of clarity. Like Friday, for example, for part of the night, I was crying over someone because I didn't or don't understand what has changed to make things so weird between us two. And I hate it so much and it makes me upset thinking about it, so I was trying to clear my head. 

But in all honesty, one can only do so much, and then you just can't keep wasting your time worrying because it's not likely that the other person is thinking twice about the situation. I have a bunch of good friends now, like I said. I just hate that I just can't be but so content, and what's worse, I hate that I don't have it in me to stop worrying. 

Monday, January 26, 2009

It's All Conceptual.

First off it's 3:33, so make a wish.

I was going to write about something completely different, but I looked over at the clock and figured that this sort of post would suffice for the day.

This is the type of person I am. Though at times, I can be very pessimistic, I believe in things like karma and wishing when the clock strikes a certain time. I relish in thinking of situations that may come in the future and I enjoy thinking of past events.  

And why do I do this? Deep down, I know that wishing can only get you so far. It's not like I have a good reason to continue to wish for things. And if it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all. Often, my dreams are much nicer than reality, so I sleep the day away to avoid the inevitable. 

Before I go on, when it comes to my blog, the posts I have are really just ways for me to vent and get my thoughts out in the open. Because while I like talking to people about what's going on in my life, I can't tell you everything in all honesty. I would just feel far too uncomfortable. So, please don't think I'm looking for your pity or anything remotely close to that. I'm simply just writing to write. 

So, back to the whole superstitions thing. I guess it just goes back to the fact that I like to tell myself that everything happens for a reason. I don't get a job because I'm not supposed to work there, I stop talking to this person because we aren't supposed to be friends anymore, I didn't get an A in Space because I'll be okay regardless. I doubt so many things in my life, that I feel like I do this to counteract each doubt I have. To make myself be okay with the things that occur in my life. 

I just wish I didn't care. I want to be myself minus all of my worries and fears, minus everything that holds me back from being free. I see these people who truly don't give a fuck about what others think of them and don't view anything as a mistake or something to regret. 

I'm sitting at my desk right now, in my dorm. As I'm finishing this post, I'm thinking about how much I don't really want anyone to read this. It's a poorly written post and I'm just not feeling it. But I'm going to post it anyways.

And no, it's not because I'm trying to come across as being the type that doesn't care what you think about me. Because I do, and you all know that. Maybe I'm just okay with it, though. I care that you might find this pointless or that you don't like me or that you do like me. 

But as I said, I write simply just to write and that is all. 

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Random, Like My Thoughts....

Like my life.

It seems like I haven't updated this in forever, but I just don't really know what to write about anymore. 

This post is about nothing and maybe everything as well. It depends on how you want to look at it, I guess. 

I skipped Art History this morning. I woke up at 7:30 then again at 8:33 and lastly at 8:50 am. My class didn't start until 10, but I decided as soon as I got up that I wasn't going to make the effort to go. It's a 75 minute class, and this morning, I just didn't have enough energy to sit through it without falling asleep. Plus, attendance has no effect on my grade this semester. 

In the past 10 days, I have gone out a total of six times. SIX. Since when do I party this much? I don't even think Blair and Serena party this much. I should slow down; beer's not worth the calories and doesn't even do anything for me. Plus, one of my relatives was an Alcoholic. 

On a few of those nights I did something that I hoped I would never do. I smoked some of my friends' cigarettes. I don't even know why I wanted to. I think part of it is just the fact that I'm constantly around smokers. Smoking is horrible for you, though. It causes all types of cancer and can cause a fucking heart attack, gives you gross breath and teeth and skin, makes you generally colder, and you lose your sense of taste. WTF. Also, what's strange is that a year ago, if I had met someone and then found out they smoked, I wouldn't like them as much. 

I feel like a Hypocrite. And what's worse, I think I have an oral fixation.

I can't stop thinking about this one thing. It's seriously making me annoyed and sad and it's not even worth my time, but you know you can't help how you feel. I just keep telling myself that things will be good and things will get better.

My mom dropped off some stuff for me yesterday. I had forgotten some clothes at home and I needed some money and some water bottles. Along with all of that, she packed in there about 20 protein bars. I'm a Vegetarian and I think that worries her.

It's almost Noon now, and I'm still in bed. I tried to find a good excuse for why I shouldn't go to Art History this morning, because you know, I have a horribly huge conscience. I told myself that it was because I needed rest and I had a stomach ache. Well, I didn't then, but I do now, and it sucks. 

I should really get dressed now and start working on my Surface project. Chris Garneau is so soothing, though.  

I do, I take care of the love
Cause red rockets fly if you don't
I'm always gonna worry about this
But you tell me, it's okay, Chris
I can't tell you why babies cry
But lies they won't keep us alive, no
I hope you don't go away
I still have some nice things to do and say 
Like we're a dime in a well
They're hard to find 

I'm chewing on my iPod headphones now. I really want a cigarette. Damnit. 

Just ten more minutes, then I'll get up and start my day. Who is this person I'm becoming? I'll at least eat a protein bar for my mom. 

Maybe I can fight these cravings.

Thursday, January 8, 2009


I forgot how much I actually enjoy learning. Haha, that sounds sort of stupid, but it's true. For the past month, I've put off reading this book for my FI class. I guess because it's hard for me to start books, especially on Winter break. Anyways, I started the book and have been reading all day, not typically something I'd want to spend my whole day on, but I realized that I don't quite mind it at all. 

Ever since grade school, my two favorite subjects have been English and History. I've always been interested in learning about literature and things of the past. And just recently, I've noticed that I've started to forget some of the stuff I learned in high school, and although that's completely natural, it sort of bothers me. I don't like for people to be talking about something and not know what the hell they're talking about. 

So, I've decided that I'm going to keep up with history and literature in the sense that I'm going to try to always be reading something. I started reading Love In the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez this past summer. I really enjoyed it, but for some reason, I never finished it. I think I'm going to do that, and then I'll need another book to read. I'm open to any suggestions, if you know of something I'd might enjoy. 

The other night, I went to the movies with my friend and paid $7.50 to see Yes Man. (Not a bad movie, but not worth that much). Anyways, In the movie, Jim Carry plays a guy named Carl and there's a scene where he's involved with the police. He's sitting there and the police ask him his name, and he replies. Their reply is something along these lines:

POPO 1: "Carl, huh?"
POPO 2: "Yeah, we once knew another Carl." 
POPO 1: (Looks to other cop) "Yeah, didn't like him very much though, did we?"
POPO 2: "Nope, didn't like him much at all. His name was Marx."

I, of course, burst into laughter, because I find pretty much everything funny anyways. But I was the only one in the theater laughing. I really hope that it was just because people didn't find it funny and not that they didn't get the Karl Marx reference. 


Imparare la vostra storia e vi sara sempre saggio. 
Learn your history and you'll be forever wise. 

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Holy Shit.

Sometimes I forget how amazing artists are until I really listen to their lyrics and think of the purpose behind the song, and the emotion that goes with it.  Just last night, I remembered about this artist J.Tillman who I used to listen to a lot awhile back. He sort of reminds me of Songs:Ohia. If you're not used to music like his, it might take you awhile to appreciate his sound, but he's worth checking out. I hear now he's apart of the band Fleet Foxes, which is sorta cool. 

Normally, this sort of post would show up in my Interests blog, but I don't feel like posting it there. Anyways, here are the lyrics to the song and I'm posting a link to The Hype Machine where you can listen to it and maybe download it, if you would like. 

At night I have dreams of how it will be
People look the same and say what they mean
In the back of my mind I know nothing will change
Wish that kept me from going but I go on the same
Oh, does anyone honestly love more than their own voice?
It's taken me all my waking days to see how easy men forget their steps
*clears throat*
Well I'd rather be poor failed and undone
Than to live for the words of golden tongues
Oh, does anyone honestly love more than their own voice?
It's taken me all my waking days to see how easy men forget their steps. 

Music as good as this hurts a little bit more each time you listen to it. 

Monday, January 5, 2009

Oh Nine...

Time to shine?

So, it's the new year. For about a month, the gyms will be packed and tobacco sales will probably slow down some. But we all know that New Year's Resolutions aren't something that people keep up with. That is why I decided not to specify anything as being my resolution this year, because I know I'll probably end up breaking it if I do. And as pessimistic as I may seem, it's true. 

But I do have to make some sort of changes in my life this year, otherwise I probably won't have a great year, and I need to. 

If you know me well, you are quite aware of the fact that I care about things a lot. I'm a Hypochondriac and I worry way too much. And if you don't know me, then you're probably thinking that that's a good thing you don't, right about now. 

I have told myself that there is really only one promise I can make to anyone and that is that you'll never know another girl like me, and maybe also that I'll always be there for you, no matter what. 

My friends can probably tell you about me better than I can, so I won't go into anything more about my personality. I just know that if 2009 is going to be a good year for me, then I have to make some adjustments. 

All I'm interested in right now is figuring out why my life is the way it is and how I can get over these constant disappointments. And if I can do that, then maybe I'll be headed in the right direction and 2009 will be a pretty good year for me. Guess we'll see.