Monday, March 30, 2009


You know how sometimes you see something and you get this instant bad feeling, as if you just got punched in the stomach or as if your heart is literally just breaking in half, and afterwards, you're just in this daze where you just can't listen to anyone and don't want to talk....well, I felt that earlier today. And no, it was not because of portfolios, though I wish it had been. 

I can't even word this well. But I feel like, in my life, I have gotten this feeling a lot. I was hoping that maybe it would just not happen anymore. I guess that's not the case, though. Maybe if it happens enough, I'll just become numb to it all and eventually, the feeling will just pass and it won't phase me as much. 

For today, though, it's sticking with me. I have a really hard art history test tomorrow and I know nothing. I can't concentrate. This is the first time this semester that I'm going to study on my own, and it sucks for more than one reason. 

I need to study with someone. I need to get an A. I need to get my life together. And I really just need to somehow, not feel this way. Or maybe it'd be better if I could just not feel at all.

Love is not for me, I promise. 

I really do think sad songs were made for me. 

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Earth vs. Global Warming


Go to that website, watch the video, and simply, vote for Earth. 

On March 28th, all you have to do, is turn off your light switch for one hour from 8:30-9:30 pm!

Thursday, March 12, 2009


you kind of make me want to
shut your mouth just to keep out
all of those unfriendly feelings 
just because you've got 
a lot of wax 
and all those first editions 
i want you to know
sticks and stones may
break my bones
but words will never hurt me
all i need to know
i knew so early

it's so lame that
you could take my feelings
and make yourself feel 
like you're better than 
anyone else who hasn't heard

listen in between your notes
there's something been going on
while you were busy taking notes
and look in between your moments
there's something good happening
it's good to sometimes
slow it down 

Panda Bear knows what's up. 

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Marc Jacobs.

Marc Jacobs launched these tees last year for cancer awareness month. They're now selling for $35. I want one. 

Friday, March 6, 2009


I really hate it when people say that they don't regret anything or that they just "live life with no regrets." 

I don't understand how that is possible. Thinking back at some things that have occurred in my life, some of the choices I've made, there are very few times where I would do the same thing again if I got the chance. 

I always think that if only I could go back and do this instead, things would be different or better. 

I always tell myself that I'll start being like those people who do live without regrets. But in all honesty, I am never going to be able to do that. I couldn't even pretend. 
I realize that people come and go out of your life for a reason. I get that people leave your life, move on, and don't come back. I understand all of that.

But I still don't like it.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


So Spring Break is in a few days. Really excited to just not have class and projects to worry about. Though, I will need to do some serious work in terms of art and shit for my portfolio. 

That's really the only thing I'm concerned about right now. Applying to my major. Hopefully things will all go well. 

I'm not really a "spur-of-the-moment" type of person. I like my order for the most part, with some few exceptions. Last week, though I decided to screw school and go on a road trip for a few days with some friends. So glad I did, despite the fact that JMU does not have good parties. Sorry Cullen. 

Anyways. I'm going to NYC sometime over Spring Break. Stoked for that. It's been almost a year since I was last there and it's about time that I go back. Really cool city. 

Not long after break, I'll be out of school, and back at home for three months. Bummer. Hopefully, I'll get a job in the fan and will be taking some classes at VCU so I don't have to deal with that shit later. 

Things I need:

Mac Charger
New phone  (Which I don't want because my current one is fucking awesome) 
Road bike
Clothes (I have none me some) 

Mully told me about a sweet site to download music off of:

Do it. It's pretty legit. 

P.S. Lyrics as a Facebook status don't necessarily mean what it may seem to suggest. Could be that I just like the song. I mean, just saying. 

Until next time. xxxo.