My life has been consumed by all of my art classes. Lately, it's just project after project and I've barely had any time to enjoy this lovely weather we're having here in RVA.
Speaking of Richmond, I usually don't really like Spring, but maybe that was just because I have always been stuck in the West End. I feel like from now on, Spring and I are going to be very close with each other.
I really can't wait until I get a bike. I'm working on convincing my dad right now to buy one for me. We'll see how that goes. I can't decide on what to get, though. I know I want a single speed road bike with a men's frame, but I don't know what type of handle bars or what colors I want. I love too many, and as I've mentioned before, I suck at making decisions.
Also, really wanting to go shopping soon. I have a little bit of money, but not much. So instead of hitting up Need or Urban like I normally would, I'll probably hit up the consignment part of Rumors. After all, I did find a Vera Wang Spring Jacket thing for $16 last time I went. Maybe I'll have good luck again next time.
I skipped Art History this morning. Well, really, I just slept through my alarm. Had a long chat with a friend last night and ended up staying up til 3 a.m. So, I guess I was just tired. This is a one time thing, though. Even though we've only been in school for a month now, I already get the feeling that I'm going to get better grades this semester.
One worry in my mind, though ---- portfolios!
So stressful and I really don't have enough work to put in it, or really, just not enough perspective drawings.
I've decided to apply to three majors: Interior Design, Sculpture and Extended Media, and Craft and Material Studies. If I get into Interior Design, I'm going to pick that. I've always had an interest in it and it's an almost guaranteed job. That's a win win if you ask me.
Things I need to do:
1. Start going to the gym.
2. Stop procrastinating.
3. Find a place to live next year.
4. Find new music to listen to!!
5. Convince someone to buy me a ticket to see Morrissey in March.
6. Convince myself to go see Girl Talk at Tech instead of attending class.